Predict Propensity To Pay
Genius Risk Classifier
A rental MLaaS product to predict your debtor's propensity to pay or roll.
Improve collection yields by prioritising calls to debtors based on the probability that they will roll.
Genius Risk Classifier is a Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) offering that uses our Genius Artificial Intelligence engine to identify the accounts most likely to roll and those most likely to pay at any given time.
Genius Risk Classifier enables you to segment and prioritise collections actions at a debtor-level in the active collections book based on propensity to pay scores. It can be used in conjunction with Genius Call Connect to further improve collections strategies.
Genius Risk Classifier uses analytical models and 3rd party SACCRA data to score, segment and rank your accounts by likelihood of settling their accounts. To use this service, you must be SACRRA affiliated.
Benefits of Risk Classifier
- Prioritise calls based on analytical insights into a propensity to pay or roll
- Determine the best treatment for each account
- Achieve higher collection yields
- Decrease operational costs by increasing caller efficiency and effectiveness
Why Genius MLaaS?
- No additional infrastructure costs or headcount
- Connect to multiple data sources
- Quick time to value
- Lower total cost of ownership of Machine Learning
Schedule a Demo of Genius Risk Classifier
Improve your yields by segmenting calls based on propensity to pay or roll.