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Marketing Solutions represented by David after David Ogilvy the Father of advertising and the pioneer of the A/B test. Represents out of the box, data driven thinking and ideas.

Profiled Consumer Leads

Genius Leads

Our profiled leads intelligently target the right customers across all industries.

Improve take-up rates by targeting profiled leads most likely to respond to your campaign

Apply advanced analytics to identify the leads that match your preferred customer profile and who have a higher probability of response.

2 people with check marks and one person with a plus sign

Principa makes use of advanced analytics to identify the leads that match your preferred customer profile and who have a higher probability of responding to your marketing campaigns.

If you are wanting to grow your customer base, or apply targeted marketing campaigns to existing customers, Principa has the marketing services solutions and products that will meet your requirements. By making use of various and relevant data variables, then subsequently overlaying Principa analytical solution against this data base to provide our customers with a best-fit selection of customers that can then be actively targeted quickly and efficiently, across all Industries, that will optimise the profitability of your campaigns.

This increases the effectiveness of your marketing strategy, extracting more value from your campaigns, and creating increased awareness of what strategic opportunities are available for your business.

Principa, and in conjunction with its data providers, continues to ensure that our business practices meet’s the highest requirements as set out in the Protection of Personal Information Act – POPIA.

Our Process

• Access to an extensive marketing database
Principa makes use of extensive predictive modeling variables such as customer level risk and response data, contact and demographic information, to ensure businesses identify and target those customer segments that optimise your approach and ensuring you get the best out of your strategy.

• Predictive Analytics
Apply advanced analytics to identify the leads that match your preferred customer profile and who have a higher probability of response.

• Campaign Selection
Following the data validation process and application of all of the customer exclusion rules, Principa applies its predictive marketing analytics models to select the campaigns that meets your requirements, which are subsequently securely delivered to our clients in the format and frequency that is required.

• Campaign Execution
The campaign selections are passed to our clients to be executed through their outbound communication channels. Our clients can also utilise our digital communication channels, such as, SMS, email, and our Artificial Intelligent ChatBot solution.

• Reporting and Monitoring
By making use of our campaign management tools, the performance on the campaigns are measured based on key metrices in order to ensure that our selection models are continuously improved using Machine Learning technology.



Why Genius Leads?

  • Access to several data sources from across the South African marketplace
  • Data cleansing, data mining and contact enrichment
  • System capabilities assessment and recommended improvements from within existing architecture and system capabilities
  • Testing of different campaigns and approaches and report-backs on results
  • A complete feedback loop through response, take-up and conversion. Our cross-channel reach allows us to test and compare the cost of acquisition to constantly challenge and drive improved returns from your new business budget
  • Evolution of product, communication and contact strategy through test and learn approach
  • Customised analytical models that help you reach and convert the right people


  • Increase your campaign response rates
  • Reduce cost of acquisition by excluding undesirable and unresponsive leads
  • Reduce dilution of brand by reducing non take-ups
  • Segmented offers to ensure relevance and improve take-up
  • Identify the most effective channels and constantly improve returns
  • POPIA compliant

FAQs on Genius Leads

We answer all the questions you have about Genius Leads!

Read the Genius Leads FAQs

Some of the companies that use our Profiled Leads


Principa Profiled Leads: Customers

Contact Us For Pricing Information

Improve conversion rates of your marketing campaigns and optimise marketing spend with Genius Leads.

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